The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 5
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume V (Data Express)(1994).ISO
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-* SnapFiles V2.0 By Glenn Wihlborg *-
Before I start to intruduce this program, I would like to thank Nico Franτois
for writing SPOT.
So here's to you Nico, CHEERS! and keep up the good work.
o Define your own extensions to search for.
o Three ways to save the #?.req file in. Use the announcers nodenumber,
announcers Boss's nodenumber or enter different nodnumber.
o Recognize characters between A-Z (both upper and lower case) and 0-9
as a filename.
o Finds filnames that are enclosed in non alphabetic chracters.
o Progressbar which indicates percentage of the message thats been scanned.
o Dupe check of found filenames.
o Total files found and dupe filnames are updated in the progressbar.
o Tag found filenames from a filelist.
o Multiple selection of filenames from a filelist - Require
o Timer reporting elapsed time during scan in the progressbar.
o Total time report when the scan is over.
SnapFiles is offered to you under the concepts of 'NetmailWare'. That means,
if you use it more than 30 days, I would like a netmail from you :):):):)
You are allowed to redistribute this package under the condition that the
archive contains the following files:
SnapFiles is a program to for Possible filenames in a message, with
diffrent extensions. There are some predefined extensions but it's easy to
add or remove them.
I must remind you, this program search for "POSSIBLE" filenames.
So here it is, hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Registered copy of Spot
rexxsupport.library (If you want multiple selection when taging files)
You'll have to fix some minor details before it's up and runnig. You will
find these variables among the first lines in the script.
'PathName' path to your outbound dir, Must end with ':' or '/'.
'TempDir' path to the tempfile.
'RexxReq' if you have rexxreqtools.library installed, set this to 1
otherwise 0.
SnapFiles is only executeable in a message area. Run it and it will ask you
in which nodenumber it should save the #?.req file. You will have the option
to choose in three diffrent ways to save it.
From: Snap the announcers nodenumber and save the #?.req file in that name.
Boss: If the announcer is a point and he says that the file(s) can be found
in his boss's bbs. The program will replace his/her pointnumber with
a '0'.
e.g 2:200/600.39 -> 2.200.600.0
Other: Save the file in another nodenumber. Format of the string is either
Z:N/N.P or Z.N.N.P
When this is done it scans the message for the defined extensions. When
it's finished there will pop up a requester saying how many files it could
find or a requester telling you that it could not find any files.
The requester that tells you how many possible filenames it could find also
have the option to 'TAG', 'ALL' and 'CANCEL'.
Tag: Tag files from filelist. When you have selected the file(s) you
wanted, the filrequest window will show up. You can add and remove
files in this window to. But there is a few things to consider when
doing this.
If rexxreqtools.library is installed you will have another
filerequester when taging files. You are then able to choose
all the files at the same time. Just hold down 'Shift' when
selecting files.
If the person who announced the file(s) is a POINT you will have to
enter his point number in the 'node string requester'. The same
goes for if you are NOT using the nodenumber in the message header.
Otherwise you will not be able to edit the #?.req file, but if the
nodenumber is the one in the message header there should be no
All: Include all the filenames it could find. To edit the file it's the
same procedure as in 'TAG' If the person who announced...so forth.
Cancel: Quit program.
The varable NumExt must have the exact number of extensions you have
E.g. If you have four extensions the NumExt should contain 4
NumExt = 4
Ext.1 = ".ZIP"
Ext.2 = ".LHA"
Ext.3 = ".LZH"
Ext.4 = ".ARJ"
When you remove an extension you have to set the NumExt variable to the
right value, otherwise it will not work propely. You can have as many
defined extensions as you like (I think), have not tested with more than
ten my self. But I don't see why there should be any limit to that.
The defined exetensions must be in order from one to what ever your last
number will be.
The routine to check if a word is a possible filename only recognize
charcters between 0-9, A-Z (both upper and lower case).
E.g. '#?APF.Lha' Would be APF.Lha in the filelist.
I'm not responsible to any damage caused through the use or misuse
of this product and so it must only be used at your own risk. All
efforts have been made to ensure the stability of the program but
this does not mean it is 100% safe. Please backup any important data
that could be damaged through the use of this software until you are
sure that it is stable.
Any comments, bug reports or suggestions can be sent to:
Glenn Wihlborg:
Fidonet 2:200/600.39
Ver1.0 27-Dec-1993
First release :)
Ver1.1 3-Jan-1994
A new search routine, it's allmost THREE times as fast as the one in
V1.0 and I think I dare to say it's 100 % safe. The routine in V1.0
checked EVERY word, very, very SLOW. This new routine ONLY check words
that contains a '.'
Added progress requester when scanning for possible filenames. This
requester also allow you to abort the operation. Allso added a timer
so you can see how long time it took to search through the message,
it's not so usefull but...
Ver1.2 2-Feb-1994
Added a requester where you can choose in which name you're gonna save
the #?.req file, the options are:
From: Gets the announcers nodenumber and save the file in that name.
Boss: If the announcer is a point and he says that the file(s) his
telling you about can be found in his boss's bbs, the program
will replace his pointnumber with a '0'.
E.g 2:200/600.39 -> 2.200.600.0.
Other: Save the file in another nodenumber that you define your self,
but remeber the format of the name is Z.N.N.P
Ver1.3 27-Feb-1994
Bug fix in the 'Other' gadget. It didn't handle an empty string properly.
Ver2.0 27-May-1994
I think it's time for version 2.0 because many things has changed since
the last version.
Removed the old way to edit the #?.req file. It was not so flexible lets
say that the message you scanned included 20 filenames. And you only
wanted to request three of them. Then you had to remove seventeen files
from the #?.req file, funny.....NOT. Now you are able to tag which file(s)
you want to request, from a filelist with the TAG gadget. Or use the ALL
gadget to tag all of them.
Fixed the search routine, now it should recognize filenames that is
enclosed in certain characters like this:
As you can see it also reqognize names that ends with a '.' or ','.
I did this because some people has the habbit to write the filenames in
that manner :) This new search routine may infect the speed a little.
Included a dupe checking of the filenames, this will be shown' in the
proggress window. Together with total files found.
Changed the string format of the 'Other' gadget. Now it can be either
Z.N/N.P or Z.N.N.P
Now the timer is allso updated in the 'Progress bar'. I put it there
because sometimes it semes like the progressbar is standing still and the
program has stoped searching.
Added multiple selection of files. But this require rexxreqtools.library.